The team at River View High School follow PBIS and designed their rubric based on their Black Bear Code:
There are 5 positive behaviors in each category so that it’s not overwhelming to their staff. The rubric also aligns with their school district’s strategic plan - Black Bear Success Plan. The district motto is Love, Serve, Care and it’s the school’s driving mission. We love all of the alignment! 💙
The team on the Student Life Committee utilized data from their student climate surveys to identify that student engagement and sense of belonging were areas of need. Then, they worked with the PBIS Committee to determine that Being on Time to Class should be a behavior to target. They put this under the Handle your 20 Sq. Ft category and are awarding 5 points for it twice a day - one morning period and one afternoon period.
They will monitor the data and once Being on Time to Class becomes an area of strength, the focus will shift to other areas of need like Increasing Respectful Behaviors which falls under Serving Others.