
platform tour

Discover how you'll build, improve, and measure behavior with LiveSchool.

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How it works

1. Set your behavior rubric

The rubric is school-wide, which means all staff are working together to direct students toward these behaviors. And students always know what's expected of them.

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2. Give points

Once the rubric is live, your staff gives points by scanning a student's QR badge or clicking their name. And we mean all staff: teachers, office admins, bus drivers - anyone you want.

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3. Reward students

The best part of points is what they add up to in LiveSchool. You can run two different reward systems: a School Store and/or House Points.

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House points

With House Points, students are broken into different groups called Houses. What the Houses are named and who is in them are up to you.


Rewards Store

Schools use LiveSchool as a digital cash register. The platform automatically deducts the point cost of what students buy from their total.

I’ve been in education 14 years, and I’ve never seen a program work as well. Y’all have really met the need of schools doing PBIS...To have this tool, which is so user friendly, is a game changer.

David Herndon, Principal
Peeples Middle School

Committed to student privacy

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FERPA logoSafer Technology 4 Schools logoStudent Privacy PledgeSOCII logoCOPPA logoSOPPA logo

4. Communicate
with parents

Many of our schools opt into our weekly Recap email to parents and students, which sends a running point total, what student received points for, and any comments provided by teachers.

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5. Report on behavior

Get behavior data from across you campus. See what behaviors are happening when and by whom. Track app usage by your staff. And measure improvement over each school year.

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The LiveSchool impact

Every day, the LiveSchool Vision becomes reality.

See all Case Studies
Kari Franchini
Creekside Middle School
Ohio, USA

“83% of our kids are doing exactly what they are supposed to. Every. Single. Day.”

Dawn Pressley
Behavior Specialist
Kingsway Elementary
Florida, USA

“LiveSchool has given us an opportunity to measure the positive as opposed to the negative. Now we have students talking about the positive points they have earned instead of the negative measures. It allows us to celebrate our students and is making a difference in our culture”

Bring a positive culture to life with school-wide points

Try LiveSchool