Classroom discipline enables teachers to create mutual respect which is key to positive classroom environments.
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
Power to the teacher! Relationships and discipline seem like words that don’t necessarily go together. Veteran teachers will tell you that relationships are the key to positive classroom culture.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.
Jordan resides in Lexington, Kentucky. He has experience in Public Education as an Administrator, Science Teacher, and as a Coach. He has extensive experience with School Discipline, PBIS, SEL, Restorative Practices, MTSS, and Trauma-Informed Care.
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
Power to the teacher! Relationships and discipline seem like words that don’t necessarily go together. Veteran teachers will tell you that relationships are the key to positive classroom culture.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
Power to the teacher! Relationships and discipline seem like words that don’t necessarily go together. Veteran teachers will tell you that relationships are the key to positive classroom culture.
How do you maintain positive relationships? I would argue that you absolutely must have discipline strategies in your class to create an environment where those positive relationships exist.
This seems backward. You may think that if you instill discipline that your students will resent you. The opposite is actually true. Discipline doesn’t foster resentment, it creates respect.
If you can maintain discipline in your room, your students will respect you. That respect gives you the power to create positive relationships and instill positive results. Power to the teacher!
In schools that utilize PBIS, it is standard practice that staff are given parameters as to what behaviors are “office managed” and which are “classroom managed.”
In other words: can I handle this issue here and now or do I need to call my administrator? In my school we have a handy color-coded laminate we hand out to staff members that lists common infractions that should be handled by the teacher and those that require some assistance.
It actually doesn’t have to be all that detailed though. As a teacher, I need to ask myself a couple of questions to decide how to proceed:
1. Is anyone actively in danger?
2. Who is being impacted by this behavior?
3. What is the least disruptive way to address this issue?
Your answer to #2 should lead you to your actionable answer in #3. It is best practice to “fill your toolbox” ahead of time for situations like these. You want to act from a place of strategy, not a place of emotion.
Unfortunately, when many people hear the term “discipline” they think of an old school “disciplinarian” yelling at students until the disruptive behavior has dissipated. This is not a good way to resolve conflicts, nor is it a good way to build relationships.
Disciplinary moments are often great opportunities to break down a wall with a tough student as it allows you to earn some trust and show you are a real empathetic person.
Trust is hard to come by, don’t waste it by losing your cool. Keep reading for some ideas on how to fill your toolbox.
If the student is the only person affected:
If the teacher is the only person affected:
If the whole class or another student is affected:
I’d like to emphasize that anytime you are dealing with a tough student you need to remember the 5 R’s of restorative practices: Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration.
Relationships are the key to positive classroom culture. They are hard to build up and easier to break down. Think of it like filling a cup, fill that positive cup anytime you get a chance to.
Relationships don’t work unless there is mutual respect from the parties involved. Respect comes through discipline, not the lack of it.
When a student is at fault in an issue, they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. That in itself can be a powerful consequence of their actions.
When you ask a student to step outside so you can address the issue, it is far easier to move forward if you provide some leading questions that allow for the student to take responsibility.
If you assign blame, you’ll get pushback you could have avoided.
Once responsibility has been claimed, you should allow the student a chance to repair the harm they have caused.
This requires the student to demonstrate empathy as they need to understand how their actions affected others. You can’t begin to repair harm until you realize who was harmed.
Finally, above all else, you need to remember reintegration is the goal. What is the least dramatic way we can move forward as a classroom community?
Even if a student has done wrong, they are a part of your class and will likely stay that way going forward. How you handle the issue will determine how seamlessly the student can move on after the incident.
Lastly, according to PBIS best practices we need to discuss office-managed issues. These are often rather obvious so it isn’t necessary to list them here.
However, many teachers don’t put much thought into their actions when something occurs that is beyond the classroom management plan. Be sure to know the appropriate numbers to call to get assistance and have a shortlist of responsible students you can send next door to get help from a nearby adult if you need it.
A little preparedness can go a long way towards student and staff safety.