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Attendance Bracelets
Submitted by:
Jeana C. Ford
Attendance Bracelets
Submitted by:
Jeana C. Ford
Target grades
Cost level
Low Cost/DIY
Group size

Can you earn them all?

Attendance is a priority at all schools we work with. The question we often face is, "How can we improve attendance?" The team at Horatio Elementary suggests a solution: incentivize students to attend school by offering culture-building rewards such as attendance charms.

How It Works

All students are eligible to participate. They receive an attendance bracelet. For each week of perfect attendance, students earn a charm to add to their bracelet. By the end of the year, the bracelets, filled with charms, serve as a fun reminder of the students' diligence.

Horatio Elementary's Principal, Jeana Ford, shared: "It's a big deal to earn these charms, and students enjoy trading them."

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