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Mystery Box
Submitted by:
Tamika Morgan
Mystery Box
Submitted by:
Tamika Morgan
Target grades
Cost level
Low Cost/DIY
Group size

Don’t ask. It’s a mystery!

What's more exciting than a reward? A surprise reward! That's the concept of the Mystery Box at Brewer Academy in Detroit Public Schools.

How It Works

Brewer's student store offers a unique reward called the "Mystery Box". This isn't just one box; it's an ongoing selection, and each box is unique. The boxes are customized according to gender, with versions for both male and female students.

Of course, students like to ask what’s in the box, so the PBIS team has adopted the refrain: “Don’t ask it’s a mystery!”

Tamika notes that students are usually hesitant to purchase the reward. However, there's always one adventurous student who takes the risk! They never regret it, as the boxes often contain multiple rewards, ranging from Detroit SWAG to tech gear and personal items. Some boxes even contain more expensive items from Brewer's store, making the Mystery Box a great deal.

Watch this video shared by Tamika Morgan, a teacher and PBIS Team Member at Brewer, showing students opening the box:

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