The Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence is a 7th and 8th-grade Middle School in the Rochester City School District in New York. The district is currently in an "era of change" and is working to restructure middle-level programs and buildings.
That effort brought the Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence team to LiveSchool. In their first month, students earned nearly 5000 points and redeemed over 100 rewards. Wow!
The team at Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence collaboratively developed their rubric by identifying both disruptive and positive behavior trends. The rubric is structured around their acronym SOAR:
This launch is helping Dr. Alice Holloway’s team collect behavior data to inform the development of supports, expectations, and incentives for the next school year. The data they will pull includes where behavior incidents are happening, when, and by whom.
Having access to this allows the behavior team to establish proactive interventions and initiatives to curb behavior while celebrating with students for positively reflecting their community values.